Contact information
Contact person
Prof. d-r Dragan Gjosevski, President
Ul. 16-ta Makedonska Brigada br. 3
1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Telephone number: +389 2 3255 135
Payment information
Bank account number: 300 0000000208 91
The AAEM is a voluntary professional association, registered in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. It is supported by the membership fees of its members. However, the AAEM welcomes donations which are given to support its objectives. Donations may be used for different purposes, for example, to support the attendance of researchers, especially the young ones, at the workshops or seminars, or to organize events in the framework of the AAEM’s activities or to develop specific initiatives such as outreach activities, social media activities, etc. If you would like to explore the possibility of giving a donation to the AAEM, please contact the President.