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1. Research, innovation and technology transfer in the agri-food sector in the Western Balkan Countries: Phase II. Прочитај повеќе >

2. Development and implementation of capacity development programme for the members of the newly established legal entity in Prespa area-North Macedonia. Прочитај повеќе >

3. Study on the research, innovation and technology transfer capacities and on the recent agricultural policy developments in the context of the EU approximation process in the pre-accession countries. Прочитај повеќе >

4. Labour Costing Analysis in the Conventional Agriculture Sector in Macedonia. Прочитај повеќе >

5. Network aspects of the relations and information channels among the actors in the supply chain for organic products. Прочитај повеќе >

6. Conservation of Biodiversity in Mountain Grazing Areas of Shara. Прочитај повеќе >

7. Impact Assessment of selected IME program interventions in the Green Economy Sector. Прочитај повеќе >

8. Impact Assessment Report on IME’s Interventions: on beneficiary level and market level. Прочитај повеќе >

9. Network aspects of the relations and information channels among the actors in the supply chain for organic products. Прочитај повеќе >

10. Labour costing analysis for producing fresh organic products in Green Economy Sector of IME programme Establishing rural development network for joint research cooperation. Прочитај повеќе >

11. Establishing rural development network for joint research cooperation. Прочитај повеќе >

12. The Impact of Socio-Economic Structure of Rural Population on Success of Rural Development Policy. Прочитај повеќе >

13. Utilization of agricultural land and development of agriculture in the Bregalnica river basin. Прочитај повеќе >

14. Business planning, marketing and basic finance for farmers. Прочитај повеќе >

15. Capturing Agricultural Land Market Data in Macedonia, две фази. Прочитај повеќе >

16. Business Startup handbook for young farmers. Прочитај повеќе >

17. Expertise for preparation of National Strategy on Agriculture and Rural Development (NSARD) 2014-2020. Прочитај повеќе >

18. Strengthening capacity on strategic and policy planning of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE). Прочитај повеќе >




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